Cornwall, ON – Your Arts Council, Cornwall & the Counties (YAC) is launching a new initiative to publicize Art Events happening in Cornwall & the Counties and Akwesasne. Richard Salem, Facilitator for YAC, outlined the initiative as this: “We’ve partnered with the wonderful people at the Seeker to publish a once-a-month, full-page, full-colour calendar of art-related events happening anywhere in Cornwall & the Counties and Akwesasne. Anyone with an art event happening that month can advertise it FREE OF CHARGE (for now) in our calendar. We will publish the page in the first Seeker issue of every month, usually the first Friday. Submissions must be received in digital form (we can help if that’s an issue) no later than the Monday before publication, as we’ll need time to assemble the page. The size of the individual ads will depend on the number of submissions received, but the plan is for business-card sized allotments of space to each event. These are ‘teaser’ adds, so a heading, dates and contact are all that is required. Inclusion on the calendar page will be on a first-come, first-served basis, so get your announcement to us as soon as you can. Images can be included, but please keep in mind the size of the final ad and set your images and font heights accordingly. Our first page comes out for August, which means we’ll need your stuff by July 27th.”

For more information please contact:

Richard Salem, Facilitator,
Your Arts Council, Cornwall & the Counties,